Kesäkoulu on neljäviikkoinen projektimme, jonka järjestämisajankohta ei ole tällä hetkellä tiedossa. 

Kesällä 2022 järjestämme viikon mittaisen Kesäkoulun 10.-17.7., lue tapahtumasta lisää täältä.


Toivotamme tervetulleeksi aikuiset (18+), kaikista elämän eri vaiheista, taustoista ja ammateista. Lähdemme yhdessä oppimisen matkalle, jolla tarjoamme ohjausta ja tukirakenteita joita tarvitaan työssä kohti henkilökohtaista muutosta.

Kesäkoulu on avoin niille, jotka ovat etsineet paikkaa, jossa voisivat pysähtyä hetkeksi, siirtyä toiseen ympäristöön saadakseen uusia näkökulmia omaan elämäänsä - tapaansa olla ja osallistua maailmassa, jossa elävät. Kaikille niille, jotka haluavat laajentaa maailmankatsomustaan tai jotka eivät ymmärrä mitään yllä kirjoitetuista, mutta heidän uteliaisuutensa heräsi.

Tavoitteenamme on luoda dynaaminen oppimisympäristö, jossa voimme tutkia perusteellisesti kestävän elämäntavan vaatimuksia sekä yksilöinä että yhteisönä. Ohjelma on luotu siten, että aktiviteetit tapahtuvat enimmäkseen ryhmässä, luonnon helmassa. Lisäksi pyrimme siihen että Kesäkoulun aikana kertyneitä taitoja ja kokemuksia voidaan helposti soveltaa jokapäiväiseen elämään myös koulun jälkeen.

Mistä on kyse

  • Neljän viikon ohjattu oppimisen matka
  • Kokeellinen, innostava ja käytäntöön perustuva
  • Aidosti kestävän elämän vaatimusten tutkimista sekä yksilöiden että yhteisön tasoilla
  • Oppimispaikkana toimivat sekä sisä- että ulkotilat, toimintaa ei ole erotettu luonnosta
  • Osallistujat työskentelevät omista mahdollisuuksistaan käsin
  • Koulun rakenteet ovat joustavia ja ne mukautuvat erilaisiin tarpeisiin ja olosuhteisiin
  • Oppiminen sulautuu päivittäisiin toimiin
  • Kestävyyden harjoittaminen näkyy niin käytännöllisellä kuin psykologisella tasolla:

→ matkustustavat Korkeaojalle (kimppakyydit, bussit, pyörät)

→ majoittumistavat (jaettujen huoneiden lisäksi teltat, jurtta ja riippumatot)

→ alueen suunnittelu (ekorakenteet, kompostikäymälät, ulkosuihkut, ulkoalueiden hyödyntäminen jne.)

→ ruoanvalmistus (oman puutarhan hyödyntäminen, kasvisruoka, kierrätys, kompostointi)

→ työskentelytapamme (fasilitointi, vaihteleva rytmitys, joustavuus, matala hierarkiarakenne, mahdollistaminen, empatia ja syvä tietoisuus)

Photo: Aino Valkamo


Näemme suuren tarpeen nykyisten kulttuuristen tarinoiden ja ihmiskunnan ympäristölle tuhoisien toimintatapojen uudelleenmäärittelylle: loputon kasvu, yksilökeskeisyys, BKT:n korostaminen onnellisuuden sijaan ja pelastuksen etsiminen teknologisista innovaatioista. Kukoistuksen sijaan koemme systeemistä epäoikeudenmukaisuutta, vääristynyttä johtamista, laajaa kollektiivista toimettomuutta, ympäristön tuhoa, sosiaalista polarisaatiota ja henkistä köyhyyttä. Näiden toisiinsa kiertyneiden kriisien keskellä me löysimme merkityksellisen tehtävän ja päädyimme luomaan Sydenkoulun.

Kesäkoulu on ensimmäinen askeleemme kohti käytännön työtä. Kesäkoulussa tuomme yhteen suuremman joukon ihmisiä ja voimme yhdessä tutkia kehittämiämme oppimisrakenteita ja opetussisältöjä. Tämä ensimmäinen laajempi tarjoamamme oppimiskokonaisuus antaa meille ymmärrystä siitä, kuinka ihmiset selviytyvät nykyisinä aikoina, millaisia tarpeita ja unelmia heillä on. Kesäkoulun jälkeen työmme jatkuu vaihtoehtoisten oppimisrakenteiden parissa, ja otamme seuraavat askeleet suuntaan, joka tuntuu sopivalta, avautuvalta ja vastaanottavaiselta.


Aikuiset (18+) vaihtelevista taustoista ja ammattikunnista, edustaen elämän eri vaiheita.

Kesäkoulussa työskentely ja oppiminen vaatii aloitteellisuutta. Luomme jotain uutta ja tutkimme mitä siitä voisi syntyä. Hyväksyttyjen, mutta huonosti toimivien käyttäytymismallien kriittinen tarkastelu ja niistä irrottautuminen voi osoittautua haastavaksi - valmiiksi kuljettua polkua ei ole saatavilla. Lähestymme yhdessä kulkemaamme matkaa tavoitehakuisuuden sijaan prosessikeskeisesti.


18.–25.7. Yhteisön rakenteet

25.7.–1.8. Ilmaisu

1.–8.8. Rituaali

8.–15.8. Unelmista konkretiaan


Kesäkouluun on mahdollista osallistua kaikille neljälle viikolle tai yhdestä kolmeen erilliselle viikolle. Ohjelma on suunniteltu kokonaisuutena ja etusija osallistumisessa annetaan heille, jotka voivat sitoutua osallistumaan koko Kesäkoulun ajaksi. Jokaisella viikolla on tilaa korkeintaan 20 osallistujalle.

Summer School is our four-week long project. The time of the event is not known at this moment.

In summer 2022 we organize a one-week long Summer School at 10-17.07. You can read more about the event here.  


We welcome adults (18+) from all backgrounds and professions, representing different stages in life. We will altogether set on a learning journey that offers guidance and supporting structures needed in transformational work. The Summer School is open for those who have been searching for a place where they can stop for a moment and enter a different environment to get new perspectives on their own life - the way they are and how they attend the world they are living in. For anyone who wishes to expand their worldview. Also for those who didn’t understand any of the above, but got really curious about it.

The program consists of: 30 hrs of workshops per week, introduction day, discussions, open space for sharing one’s know-how, guided morning sessions, rest and free time, integration day, celebration, three communal meals per day.

Our aim is to create a dynamic learning environment where we can explore thoroughly the requirements for a sustainable lifestyle both as individuals and as a community. The program is created so that the activities happen mostly in nature, in a group setting. Moreover, the collected set of skills and experiences can be easily applied into the every-day life after leaving the school.

What is it about

  • a four-week long guided learning journey
  • experimental, inspiring and based on practice
  • studying requirements for a genuinely sustainable lifestyle on both individual and community levels
  • learning setting is not separated from nature, it happens both indoors and outdoors
  • participants are working from their own potential and possibilities
  • the school’s structure is flexible and can be adapted to specific needs or conditions
  • learning is incorporated into everyday tasks
  • practicing sustainability from a very practical to the psychological level:

→ in ways how people get to Korkeaoja (shared rides, bus, bike)

→ in accommodation type (tents, yurt, hammocks besides shared rooms)

→ in the venue plan (eco constructions, compost toilets, outdoor showers, outdoor areas etc.)

→ in food preparation (partly from our vegetable garden, vegetarian, recycling, composting)

→ in our work (facilitation, varied pace, flexibility, horizontal structure, empowerment, empathy, deep awareness)


We see the urge in redefining existing cultural narratives and myths that maintain humanity’s ecocidal habits: Infinite growth, individualism, emphasising GDP before happiness and relying on technological innovation as the saviour. Instead of thriving, we are experiencing systemic injustice, distorted leadership, widespread collective paralysis, ecological destruction, social polarization and spiritual poverty. Within this spiraling crisis, we found a meaningful thing to do. And we ended up here, as Sydenkoulu - Place of Becomings.

Summer School is the first step for us into hands-on work. This is when we gather with a larger group of people and explore the structures and content for learning that we created. This pilot project will give us understanding on how people are coping in current times, what are their needs and dreams. From that first longer learning journey we offer, we will take the next step into direction that will feel most fitting, most open, most welcoming. Continuing our work with alternative structures for education.


Adults (18+) from various backgrounds and professions, representing different stages in life.

Working and learning in the Summer School requires initiative. We are creating something new and exploring what it might become. It may prove difficult to detach from the accepted yet dysfunctional models, examine your relationship with them critically, and set into a position with no beaten path available. The journey that we will take together is strongly based in process - not goal - orientation.


July 18th - 25th Community structures

July 25th - August 1st Expression

August 1st - 8th Ritual

August 8th - 15th Concretizing dreams


It is possible to participate in the Summer School for all four weeks or for one to three weeks separately. The program was created as a whole and priority is given to those who can commit to the entire duration of the school. Each week there is space for max. 20 participants.

Viikko 1. Yhteisön rakenteet

Ensimmäisellä viikolla alamme avautua yksilökeskeisestä ajattelusta yhteisökeskeiseen ajatteluun. Tutkimme millaista on olla osa yhteisöä ja kuinka yhteisön tuntua voidaan rakentaa tarkoituksellisesti. Kurkistamme ryhmissä syntyviin näkymättömiin prosesseihin ja hierarkioihin, ja opiskelemme mitä on sosiaalinen kestävyys ja kuinka sitä voisi luoda. Tarkkailemme luonnon rytmejä ja luonnon tapaa järjestäytyä. Viikon aikana myös rakennamme yhteisöille tärkeitä fyysisiä rakenteita käyttäen luonnon- ja kierrätysmateriaaleja.


Week 1. Community structures

In the first week we start opening up for the shift from individual thinking to communal thinking. We explore what it is to be part of a community and how the sense of community can be intentionally built. We look into the invisible processes and hierarchies that start forming in a group and study how to create social resilience and sustainability. We get inspiration and reflection by observing and merging into nature’s time and it’s ways of organizing itself. During the week we will also build ecological structures important to human communities by using natural and recycled materials.

Workshop guides:

Alma Joensen - Regenerative farmer, DIY builder

Alma is from Denmark and has education as an organic farmer in Norway. She has years of practical experience in organic small-scale farming, permaculture and natural building. She's been working in several community projects, mainly in her home town in Denmark where she's been involved in leading a community space developing social innovation and inclusion. She has been working as a free-school teacher for adults teaching sustainability, regenerative farming methods, small-scale gardening and DIY-building. At the moment she lives in Wales and is involved in different farm-projects with the vision of growing healthy food within natural systems whilst creating meaningful connections between people and their relationships with food and nature.

Karkki Manninen - Collective organizer, Eco builder

Karkki is interested in collectivism as an alternative for individualism, capitalism and other repressive societal systems. She thinks that playfulness, discussing about bodies and emotions, making the invisible social structures visible and the strength based on relationships and especially comradeship are important when it comes to community projects and collectives. She has studied building restoration as well as building with wood, straw and clay. She is interested in the building scene and industry also as an intersectional feminist – while restoring or building sustainable physical structures how we could modify also the social and cultural structures of the society to be more sustainable and equal as well?

Huck Middeke - Wilderness guide, Sustainability consultant

I believe that we can do this. Born naked on this wonderful planet we roughly managed to learn what was necessary for our offspring to survive by the age of reaching sexual maturity

Huck is a father, wilderness guides, sustainability consultant, activist and animal. He likes to ask level 3 questions, explore his edges and has a thing about knots and spoons.

Viikko 2. Ilmaisu

Toisen viikon aikana keskitymme yksilöllisiin prosesseihin. Tutkimme kehotietoisuutta, vahvistamme itsetuntemusta ja intuitiota. Liikkumme tanssin ja somaattisten harjoitusten kautta, joiden tarkoituksena on syventää tietoisuutta kehon aineellisuudesta sekä tietoisesta ja alitajuisesta mielestä. Opimme yksilöistä niiden suhteiden kautta, joita muodostuu ympäristön ihmisiin ja muihin elämänmuotoihin.


Week 2. Expression

During the second week we focus on individual processes, explore body awareness, strengthen self-knowledge and intuition. We will be moving through dance and somatic practices intended to deepen the awareness of the materiality of the body and the conscious and subconscious mind. We learn about the individual through their relation to the human and non-human life of their environment. Throughout the week there is time for silence, stillness, witnessing the inner self, open self-expression and corporeal celebration. It is the intention of the guides that the workshops create a safe space in which participants can relax, learn and float joyfully through experience to expression. It is recommended to fast from social media and news during this week.

Workshop guides:

Jacqueline Aylward - Dance/yoga teacher, Performing artist

“my work seeks to deal with that which is arising in the given moment - enjoying the dive into sensation and delusion. It centres corporeality as the site for inquiry, orbits and revelation”

Jacqueline is a dance/yoga teacher and performing artist from Naarm (Melbourne), Australia. She trained in Contemporary Dance at The Victorian College of the Arts, in Classical Ballet at The Australian Conservatoire of Ballet and in competitive Sports Acrobatics with Team Adrenaline. She is a 200hr qualified yoga teacher (having studied both vinyasa and restorative forms) and has a Bachelor of Arts majoring in History and English from The University of Melbourne. Currently, she is based in Joensuu, Finland working as an assistant teacher for the Education in Dance and Somatics program at ISLO and as a yoga teacher at Forever Joensuu. In addition, she continues her own artistic research through individual and collaborative creative developments/performances.

Sanna Leinonen - Performing artist and teacher

Sanna is a performing artist, graduated in 2019 at Turku Arts Academy. She has been working with mental illnesses and addictions for many years as a practical nurse and is now combining the knowledge in her artistic work. In her work she invites to testify individuals´ inner movement of thoughts – with an aim to return humans back into sentient, hearing and feeling beings. In the centre of that all is to enable a pause for us humans, two-legged perpetual motion machines – to allow stillness, witness breathing and the inner self.

As an artist, Sanna Leinonen is positioned in developing new forms of circus and contemporary circus. In her latest works, circus meets at least performance art and site-specific art, and the forms are strongly connected to current discourse on the ecology and ecological crisis.

Viikko 3. Rituaali

Kolmannella viikolla suuntaamme huomiomme sisältä ulospäin laajentamalla yhteenkuuluvuuden tunnetta ympäristöömme. Opettelemme shamanistisen tekniikan tehdä matkoja aliseen, keskiseen ja yliseen maailmaan rummuttamalla, laulamalla ja/tai tanssimalla. Teemme harjoituksia sisällä ja ulkona, yksin ja yhdessä. Syvennämme ymmärrystä itsestämme osana luontoa ja pidempää ajallista jatkumoa. Tavoitteemme on olla käytännöllisessä ja kunnioittavassa vuorovaikutuksessa kaikkien olentojen kanssa. Tutustumme shamanismin perusteisiin ja rituaalien luomiseen, jotka pohjautuvat animistiseen maailmankuvaan (kaikki on elävää). Harjoittelemme kommunikaatiota ympäröivän elämän kanssa ja pohdimme rituaalin merkitystä yksilöille ja yhteisölle. Viikon päätteeksi kokoonnumme yhteiseen seremoniaan.


Week 3. Ritual

In the third week we direct our attention from inward to outward by expanding our sense of belonging to our surroundings. We will learn shamanic techniques to make journeys to the Lower, Middle and Upper worlds by drumming, singing and/or dancing. We will be doing exercises indoors and outdoors, alone and together. We will deepen our understanding of ourselves as part of nature and a longer continuum of time. Our aim is to be in practical and respectful interaction with all beings. We will familiarize ourselves with the basics of shamanism and how to create rituals, which are based on an animistic worldview (all is alive). We will practise communication with all life that surrounds us, and reflect on the meaning of ritual to the individual and the community. At the end of the week we will gather in a larger collective ceremony.

Workshop guides:

Sini Siipola - Dancer, Folkdancer, Student of animal training

One of the most important things I’ve experienced is to be seen in nature’s eyes; I belong here, I exist as moss, water, ant, pine tree does.

I’ve got perspectives on ritual through dance and shamanistic world view. Both are ancient, living traditions. By dancing I’ve learned to exercise my senses, strengthen my health, work with space and join one’s movement. I’ve learned to dance together. I “met” shamanism for the first time as a teenager. I walk and spend time outdoors. I greet, look, ask and listen; in- and outwards. I seek co-operation with the surroundings. I’ve learned shamanistic techniques from Jaana Kouri and Christiana Aro-Harle.

Milo Salminen - Nature guide, Artisan, Artist

My belief is that one of the most important tasks for humanity in this time is to come back into a deeper connection with nature. The understanding and experience that we are inseparably part of the larger whole creates a space for healing in ourselves and for the whole planet. Us humans, as all existing parts, have an important place in this ecosystem.

Creative ritualistic practices have been a part of my life since I was very young. Song, dance, music, playfulness and different natural elements are parts of which I create my rituals and ceremonies. I had the joy to participate in many communal rituals in the past 10+ years, both as a participant and the master of ceremony. My animistic worldview has led me to include also other than human-persons into the circle of community: all living and seemingly lifeless. I have experienced how we can weave together the inner and outer Nature through ritual. I hold degrees as an artisan and in nature studies. I have practiced ritualistic witchery and magick for 25 years and I have been deepening my experience in shamanic ways of working for the last 13 years.

Jaana Kouri - Scholar of religion, Practitioner of shamanism 

A human is healthy when his environmental connection, connection with other people and everything alive, both visible and invisible are balanced.

I’m a previous school teacher and nowadays a researcher of the Study of Religions in Åbo Akademi University. I’ve been practicing and teaching shamanism for over twenty years. My worldview is based on animism – a belief that all living is connected – and it is the basis of my practice of healing shamanism. In shamanism, I am interested in the way we become conscious about our relationship to the environment and how we put it into action in our everyday life. I have taken numerous courses in shamanism, my main teachers have been from the Scandinavian Center for Shamanic Studies and Christiana Aro-Harle from Finland. Particularly precious. At the same time heavy work for me is writing - I’m also an instructor of creative writing. Currently, I work as a researcher in the Living with the Baltic Sea: Environmental heritage and the circulation of knowledge - project where I study memories, experience-based knowledge and observations about the sea.

Viikko 4. Unelmista konkretiaan

Neljännellä viikolla teemme haaveistamme totta. Tarkastelemme tällä matkalla oppimaamme miettien, kuinka voimme sisällyttää sitä arkielämiimme. Tänä aikana keskitymme ymmärtämään paikkaamme omassa kehityksessämme, sekä astumaan vastuuseen omasta toimijuudestamme. Selkeytämme visioitamme ja kurkistamme niihin kohtiin missä saatamme kompastua niitä kohti kulkiessa, samalla juhlien pienten askelten ottamisen tärkeyttä. Viikon päätteeksi reflektoimme ja juhlistamme kesäkoulun kokonaisuutta ja lähetämme yhteiset unelmamme ja toiveemme maailmalle.


Week 4. Concretizing dreams

In the fourth week we bring reality to our dreams. We take a look at what we've learned on this journey and think about how we can incorporate it into our daily lives. We focus on understanding where we are at in our own progress and we take responsibility for our own agency. We clarify our visions and investigate the moment’s where we might fall on the way towards them. We nurture the importance of taking small steps. At the end of the week, we will gather for the final celebration:  reflect on our journeys in the Summer School and send our dreams and wishes out to the world!

Workshop guides:

Rebe Katko - Tantric Life Coach & Improvisor

Rebe is a dreamer of a more connected world. She is passionate about creating opportunities for deep connection and growth through improvisation and embodied practices.

I will be guiding you to harvest your dreams and develop them further together. I love exploring what happens, when we truly connect to our bodies, feel and share our feelings, boldly make mistakes and see what we can learn from them.

Tuomas Lehesaari - Psychotherapy trainee, Community educator

Tuomas is interested in bringing awareness to things happening in the moment and unfolding processes which emerges from bringing in this awareness. He has been studying process oriented psychology/process work in London since 2013 to become a UK accredited psychotherapist for individuals, couples and groups. He has been working with a broad range of clients in his private practice since 2016.

My interest with the group is to help individuals access embodied experiences of their strengths with which to take their dreams forward. The work will involve grappling with the challenging edges which come up in this type of work. Also we will process what is happening within the group and see how these dynamics are similar to what we will meet in the "real" world. Through the group's processes we can discover ways in which to navigate and resolve real life issues which are always playing out in whatever you are doing that involves other people. The work will be focused on everyone's momentary experiences and we will follow naturally, what emerges from individuals and the group.

Jessu Leino - Community educator

Jessu is a wide-eyed experientialist and sparkly lover of life. She’s a creator and community educator specialized in adventure education. Jessu is fascinated by chaotic deepening cycles and how to integrate experiences and realizations in ways that lead them to actually transfer ones (re)actions to everyday life.

Sydenkoulu ry